Una estela ibèrica trobada a Atzeneta del Maestrat (l'Alt Maestrat, Castelló)

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Ferran Arasa Gil
We present the finding of an Iberian stele in the village of Atzeneta del Maestrat (Castellón). It is decorated with a cuirass disc on its front face, motif that is represented for the first time in the Iberian steles of the Valencian Country. Due to its characteristics, we connect this monument with the group of steles of Bajo Aragón, where we find the same motives in villages such as Vallderoures and Cretas (Teruel).
Iberian culture, funerary monument, stele, disc cuirass

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How to Cite
Arasa Gil, Ferran. “Una estela ibèrica trobada a Atzeneta del Maestrat (l’Alt Maestrat, Castelló)”. Quaderns de prehistòria i arqueologia de Castelló, no. 35, pp. 67-70, https://raco.cat/index.php/QuadernsPrehistoriaCastello/article/view/359469.