El espacio desértico en el límite ilercavón cessetano

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Arturo Oliver Foix
The existence of an empty territory of archaeological sites belonging to the Protohistory in the region of the Baix Ebre, place of encounter of the territory ilercavon and cessetano, leads to raise the existence of a desert limit of social character during the chronological space in which the Iberian Culture was developed.
Paraules clau
Iberian culture, limit, Ilercavonia, Cessetania, black hole

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Com citar
Oliver Foix, Arturo. “El espacio desértico en el límite ilercavón cessetano”. Quaderns de prehistòria i arqueologia de Castelló, no. 36, pp. 83-96, https://raco.cat/index.php/QuadernsPrehistoriaCastello/article/view/359530.

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