Cerámicas emirales y califales en la excavación arqueológica del Antiguo Conservatorio (Onda, Castelló)
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Ana Miguélez González
Joaquín Alfonso Llorens
The materials studied come from the excavation carried out on the site of the Old Conservatory, in Plaza de SanCristobal nº 21 in Onda, where the remains of two Andalusian houses dating to the end of the 10th-13th century weredocumented. The ceramic materials found in the leveling fills, where the walls of the first documented constructive phaseappear cemented, constitute a very homogeneous set in which we find a wide set of common ceramics, modeled by handand to the lathe. Many of these pieces share common characteristics with those documented in other emirates and caliphsof the Sharq Al-Andalus and Meseta area, while in others we find elements that refer to local production, with abundantparallels with the ceramics of the Mas of Pere, just 3 km from the town of Onda, where Montmessin located a test that ranksbetween the second half of the 9th century and the 10th century.
Paraules clau
emiral pottery, caliphal pottery, ceramic workshop, urban development, andalusian house
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Com citar
Miguélez González, Ana; and Alfonso Llorens, Joaquín. “Cerámicas emirales y califales en la excavación arqueológica del Antiguo Conservatorio (Onda, Castelló)”. Quaderns de prehistòria i arqueologia de Castelló, no. 35, pp. 213-27, https://raco.cat/index.php/QuadernsPrehistoriaCastello/article/view/359481.
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