Excavación de urgencia en el yacimiento ibérico del Alto de la Fuente (Sot de Ferrer, Castellón)
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Luis Lozano Pérez
Mª de las Mercedes Fuentes Albero
In this paper, we provide preliminary results of an emergency excavation done in the site of Alto de la Fuente (Sot de Ferrer). This site is one of the few in the region of Alto Palancia with Iberian chronology (between the 6th and 4th centuries BC) in which archeological interventions have been performed. It is an area of habitat of median size.
Paraules clau
Iberian Culture, iberian settlement, iberian pottery, imported pottery
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Com citar
Lozano Pérez, Luis; and Fuentes Albero, Mª de las Mercedes. “Excavación de urgencia en el yacimiento ibérico del Alto de la Fuente (Sot de Ferrer, Castellón)”. Quaderns de prehistòria i arqueologia de Castelló, no. 35, pp. 71-76, https://raco.cat/index.php/QuadernsPrehistoriaCastello/article/view/359470.