Torremotxa (Nules, Castellón): posible atalaya de época andalusí

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José Mª García Fuertes
Isabel Moraño Poblador
Jose Manuel de Antonio Otal
We are introducing some archeological remains, located in Torremotxa Part (Nules, Castellón), which we identify by their structural technique, architectonic features and location with an andalusi tower. As we understand it is key within the urban planning and control of the territory, mainly between the Shûn (Uxó) and Nules castles.
Paraules clau
tower, territory, Andalusí, Plana Baixa, SHUN (Uixó), Nules

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Com citar
García Fuertes, José Mª et al. “Torremotxa (Nules, Castellón): posible atalaya de época andalusí”. Quaderns de prehistòria i arqueologia de Castelló, no. 34, pp. 239-44,

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