Arte rupestre protohistórico en la cuenca media del Ebro: un simbolo gráfico de las élites emergentes de la Edad del Hierro

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José Ignacio Royo Guillén
Despite the widespread neglect of protohistoric art in most of the synthesis on peninsular rock art, in recent years has been defined a new artistic cycle post-paleolithic: the Iron Age rock art. In this work a brief review is made by the main characteristics of this art that is present in most of our peninsular geography. As a representative of the same part, analyzes the protohistoric art in the mid basin of the Ebro, in what refers to datasets recorded as engraved and painted in the open air, as well as other elements of context such as the stelae, which review and analysis shows that this rock manifestation has its roots in the new emerging warrior elites ideologiesboth in the Iberian as iberian and celtiberian, adapting their representations to the substrate of each ethnic group and the european and mediterranean cultural contributions in its area of influence.
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Protohistoric rock art, Iron Age, engravings, painting, protohistoric stelae, warrior elites iconography

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Com citar
Royo Guillén, José Ignacio. “Arte rupestre protohistórico en la cuenca media del Ebro: un simbolo gráfico de las élites emergentes de la Edad del Hierro”. Quaderns de prehistòria i arqueologia de Castelló, no. 33, pp. 97-128,