Original drawings of the magazine Cavall Fort in deposit at the Museu Episcopal de Vic

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Judit Verdaguer i Serrat
In 1961 was born Cavall Fort, a magazine for children and young people, with the aim to foster knowledge and reading amongst the youngest public. In 2001 the Board of the publication entrusted Museu Episcopal de Vic with the deposit of its graphical batches, made up of 4.700 original drawings from artists with national and international acknowledgement, such as Joan Miró or Antoni Tàpies. Museu Episcopal de Vic has recently culminated the process of documentation, catalogation and preventive conservation of this batch, which is now available for scholars and ready for public communication.

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How to Cite
Verdaguer i Serrat, Judit. “Original drawings of the magazine Cavall Fort in deposit at the Museu Episcopal de Vic”. Quaderns del Museu Episcopal de Vic, vol.VOL 3, pp. 171-4, https://raco.cat/index.php/QuadernsMEV/article/view/172484.