Italian phrasal verbs in Italian-Spanish bilingual dictionaries: microstructure, macrostructure and equivalents

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Andrea Artusi

In the present study the treatment of the Italian phrasal verbs (PhVs) that are included in the latest editions of the 3 main Italian-Spanish bilingual dictionaries will be analyzed. Our objectives are: a) to provide an inventory of such constructions, as well as to confirm their productivity; b) to analyze any possible problem that might be related to the macros- tructure and the microstructure of the dictionaries, which in turn may make it difficult for those constructions to be found; c) given that PhVs show a low productivity in Spanish, the Spanish equivalents will be examined, in order to figure out which morphosyntactic structures are the most frequently used in Spanish to translate Italian PhVs.

phrasal verbs, Italian-Spanish bilingual dictionaries, contrastive linguistics, bilingual lexicography.

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How to Cite
Artusi, Andrea. “Italian phrasal verbs in Italian-Spanish bilingual dictionaries: microstructure, macrostructure and equivalents”. Quaderns d’Italià, no. 23, pp. 179-94,