The Triumphus Mortis translated by Juan Coloma

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Javier Burguillo
The aim of this article is to frame the translation of the Triumph of Death made by Juan Coloma within the lyric corpus of this poet. The relevant features of this translation are analysed in the context of other Castilian translations of the Triumphs in the 16th century; furthermore several hypotheses are suggested to explain why the Coloma’s translation was selected to be placed at the very beginning of the Cancionero general de obras nuevas (Zaragoza: Esteban Nájera, 1554).
Juan Coloma, Jorge de Montemayor, Esteban de Nájera, Triumphs, Triumphus Mortis, Triumph of Death, Francesco Petrarch, Spanish Petrarchism

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How to Cite
Burguillo, Javier. “The Triumphus Mortis translated by Juan Coloma”. Quaderns d’Italià, no. 20, pp. 175-89,