Un lector de Maquiavelo en la tratadística ibérica de finales del siglo XVI : Bartolomeu Filipe

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Juan Manuel Forte Monge
This article is divided into three different sections. Firstly, a description is given of the general conceptual framework from which the relatively scarce diffusion of the work of Machiavelli in the Spain of the last third of the XVI century can be understood. Secondly, what to a certain extent could be presented as an exception to this general framework (there is surely some other) is analysed. I refer to the Tractado del Consejo by Bartolomeu Filipe, probably the text that, in the Spain of this period, presents a wider and less controversial approach towards The Discourses of Machiavelli. Thirdly, an attempt is made to provide some considerations that help to explain this anomaly in the use of Machiavelli.

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How to Cite
Forte Monge, Juan Manuel. “Un lector de Maquiavelo en la tratadística ibérica de finales del siglo XVI : Bartolomeu Filipe”. Quaderns d’Italià, no. 15, pp. 27-43, https://raco.cat/index.php/QuadernsItalia/article/view/226282.