City pictures Milan, Rome, Naples in Lente scura by Anna Maria Ortese

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Siriana Sgavicchia

The following article examines the travel writings of Lente scura by Anna Maria Ortese (2004 Adelphi Edition). It focuses on three cities which had a profound impact on the writer: Milan, Rome and Naples. The various journal pieces from the late forties and fifties are interconnected by the desire to provide the reader a wide perspective on the social, cultural and even political reality of those times. Therefore, a distinctive register of Realism is used in a visionary style, sometimes with an ironic spirit of misery and nobility of Italy, from north to south.

Anna Maria Ortese, images, city, Naples, Rome, Milan, Lente oscura

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How to Cite
Sgavicchia, Siriana. “City pictures: Milan, Rome, Naples in Lente scura by Anna Maria Ortese”. Quaderns d’Italià, no. 24, pp. 67-80,
Clerici, L. (2002). In treno, in Id., Apparizione e visione. Vita e opere di Anna Maria Ortese. Milano: Mondadori, pp. 178-221.

Clerici, L. (2004). Una inaffidabile viaggiatrice visionaria, in Ortese, 2004, pp. 455-465.

Ortese, A.M. (1953). Il mare non bagna Napoli. Einaudi: Torino.

Ortese, A.M. (1958). Silenzio a Milano. Bari: Laterza.

Ortese, A. M. (1983). Il treno russo. Postfazione di G. De Santi. Catania: Pellicano Libri.

Ortese, A. M. (1986). Il mormorio di Parigi. Postfazione di N. Orengo. Roma-Napoli: Theoria.

Ortese, A.M. (1987). Estivi terrori. Postfazione di A. Cambrìa. Roma, Pellicano Libri: Roma.

Ortese, A.M. (2004). La lente scura. A cura di L. Clerici. Milano: Adelphi.

Ortese, A.M. (2014). Corpo celeste. Milano: Adelphi.