The discreet charm of the escape routes the journey to Italy in the work of Pier Vittorio Tondelli

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Pietro Polverini

This article aims to analyze the work of Pier Vittorio Tondelli starting from the idea of the journey. In the light of a first theorical recognition linked to the historical-political context in which the production of the Emilian writer is placed, our research develops the topos of the journey in three directions: 1) the journey as an escape route 2) the journey to Rimini, a jump into the Italy of goods 3) the journey to ritros: the return to Correggio.

Travelling, Tondelli, Rimini

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How to Cite
Polverini, Pietro. “The discreet charm of the escape routes: the journey to Italy in the work of Pier Vittorio Tondelli”. Quaderns d’Italià, no. 24, pp. 127-36,