Playful embodiment: Body and identity performance on the Internet
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Edgar Gómez
Elisenda Ardèvol Piera
Aquest article analitza algunes de les pràctiques relacionades amb la presentació del cos a Internet. Concretament, ens centrem en la relació entre el cos i l'actuació de la identitat en les interaccions online, comparant els jocs d'identitat en les primeres etapes d'Internet basat en el text i la revelació de la identitat en les xarxes socials tot utilitzant les actuals tecnologies multimodals. Proposem que mentre el joc amb l'anonimat caracteritzava l'Internet textual, actualment trobem una "encarnació lúdica" del cos a Internet en el procés de producció, difusió i consum d'imatges del propi cos que la gent fa a través de la xarxa. El treball empíric es basa en l'anàlisi de blogs i fotologs espanyols i llatinoamericans que utilitzen el cos com el seu eix principal.
This paper discusses practices related to the presentation of the body on the Internet. We focus on the relation between body and identity performance in online interactions, comparing identity play in the early stages of text-based Internet and in current multimodal networking technologies. We argue that, while earlier practices were characterized by playing on anonymity, people are now engaged in a "playful embodiment" process in relation to the production, diffusion and consumption of people’s images of their own bodies through the Web. The empirical work is based on the analysis of Spanish and Latin American (photo) blogs that focus mainly on the body.
This paper discusses practices related to the presentation of the body on the Internet. We focus on the relation between body and identity performance in online interactions, comparing identity play in the early stages of text-based Internet and in current multimodal networking technologies. We argue that, while earlier practices were characterized by playing on anonymity, people are now engaged in a "playful embodiment" process in relation to the production, diffusion and consumption of people’s images of their own bodies through the Web. The empirical work is based on the analysis of Spanish and Latin American (photo) blogs that focus mainly on the body.
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Com citar
Gómez, Edgar; and Ardèvol Piera, Elisenda. “Playful embodiment: Body and identity performance on the Internet”. Quaderns de l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, no. 26, pp. 41-60,
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