An Egyptian Scarab of the XXVI Dynasty from the necropolis of El Toro (Alcubillas, Ciudad Real) archaeological context and interpretation José Luis Fuentes
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This article provides a comprehensive survey of the necropolis of El Toro (Alcubillas, Ciudad Real, Spain), as well as a detailed study of burial T5 a/b/c. This is the archaeological context of an Egyptian scarab which can be dated to the early reigns of the 26th Dynasty, dating to the 7th-6th centuries BC. This object is one of the eleven pieces that made up the grave goods of the mentioned tomb, which contained three ceramic urns with the cremated remains of three well-represented individuals. Some conclusions from the anthropological study of this tomb are also presented, as well as a detailed mor-phological, typological, and chronological analysis of the scarab of a pharaoh by the name of Psamtik.
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