Una inscripción latina sobre ánfora ibérica de la Libisosa iberorromana A Latin Inscription on Iberian Amphora from the Ibero-Roman Libisosa

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Héctor Uroz Rodriguez
Javier Velaza

In this paper we present a Roman inscription dated to the final Iberian phase (2nd century-first third of the 1st century BC) of the Oretan oppidum of Libisosa (Lezuza, Albacete). Although its par¬tial conservation does not allow a conclusive interpretation, it is an early Latin epigraphic evidence written on Iberian pottery, so it can offer precious information about the Romanizing dynamics in the indigenous enclaves of the republican Hispania.

latin epigraphy, late-republican period, Iberian pottery, Libisosa, Romanization

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How to Cite
Uroz Rodriguez, Héctor; and Velaza, Javier. “Una inscripción latina sobre ánfora ibérica de la Libisosa iberorromana: A Latin Inscription on Iberian Amphora from the Ibero-Roman Libisosa”. Pyrenae, vol.VOL 51, no. 1, pp. 73-84, https://raco.cat/index.php/Pyrenae/article/view/396754.