Glass object set from a closed context from Iliberri (Granada) at 4th century BC
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Justo F. Sol Plaza
Andrés M. Adroher Auroux
Julia García González
Inmaculada de la Torre
In 1999, during the course of an archaeological intervention in Zacatín Street (Granada, Spain), alarge amount of objects of different nature (pottery, iron, bronze, glass, stone, ivory and terracotta) was found. All of them present some features that suggest their belonging to a ritual tableware. In this paper the glass vessels found in the ritual pit would be analyzed; at least, 21 glass unguentaria and a glass eye-bead, belonging to a votive Iberian offering dated in the first half of the 4th century BC.
Protohistory, iberian, glass, sacred context, ritual offering, unguentarium
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How to Cite
Sol Plaza, Justo F. et al. “Glass object set from a closed context from Iliberri (Granada) at 4th century BC”. Pyrenae, vol.VOL 49, no. 2, pp. 37-60,
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