African and rhodian stamps of Can Tacó, Barcelona (Catalonia)

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Esther Rodrigo
César Carreras Monfort
Valentina Porcheddu
Can Tacó (Montmeló/Montornès del Vallès) is a Roman Republican site dated roughly in the lastquarter of the 2nd century B.C., which was initially tagged as a military outpost, a kind of fortifiedhouse, but recently has been defined also as an administrative centre. Its location on the top ahill controlling some of the most important hubs of land communication in this region reveals itsimportance in this period. This paper presents in detail the site, but also includes the study of threeexotic amphora stamps, whose origins and dating helps to have a better understanding of the site.
amphora stamp, rhodian, administrative centre, roman republic, military, conquest

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How to Cite
Rodrigo, Esther et al. “African and rhodian stamps of Can Tacó, Barcelona (Catalonia)”. Pyrenae, vol.VOL 46, no. 2, pp. 31-47,