The end of the Western Roman Empire in Tarraco. The inscription to the Emperors Leo I and Anthemius (467-472 AD)
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Meritxell Pérez Martínez
The inscription of Leo I and Anthemius is a key witness to reconstruct the end of the Western Roman Empire in Tarraco, the historical interpretation of which is determined by the difficulties in defining a precise date for its composition. The present article carries out a comprehensive analysis of the sources of the end of the Roman Empire as a power structure in the West, in general, and in Tarraco in particular, with the purpose of providing an appropriate framework for the inscription. This study puts forward a new context for its composition and, at the same time, it proposes a new approach to the end of Roman Tarraco.
Tarragona, late antiquity, rit 100, titvlvs honorarivs, ricimer, vincentius, Euric
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How to Cite
Pérez Martínez, Meritxell. “The end of the Western Roman Empire in Tarraco. The inscription to the Emperors Leo I and Anthemius (467-472 AD)”. Pyrenae, vol.VOL 45, no. 2, pp. 117-38,
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