Clasificación tipológica de la arquitectura doméstica romana. Reflexiones a partir de las ciudades del NE peninsular
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Ada Cortés Vicente
This article deepens on the typological definition of Roman houses. Based on the study of the domestic architecture of the Roman cities in Catalonia, we examine the differences between households discovered in this territory and establish a typology. Each of the types is described and compared with the rest of the Roman world. The objective of this study is to try to present the different types of known Roman houses with the maximum clarity and rigor possible, in order to get a good basis for classifying the remains of Roman domestic architecture.
typology, domestic architecture, roman archaeology
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How to Cite
Cortés Vicente, Ada. “Clasificación tipológica de la arquitectura doméstica romana. Reflexiones a partir de las ciudades del NE peninsular”. Pyrenae, vol.VOL 45, no. 2, pp. 59-93,
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