The civitas sine urbe: characteristics and examples in Roman Spain of an urban implantation without cities. Egara and Caldes de Montbui
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Joan Oller Guzmán
This paper tries to present some of the key elements for the understanding of the Roman civitas model in Spain. We will focus in a specific type of civitas, civitas sine urbe, showing its important role in the transformation of the Iberian Peninsula, linking with a territorial function of control and organization. First of all, we will analyze the theoretical premises that define a civitas sine urbe and, after that, we will specify some well-studied examples coming from the Iberian Peninsula. Finally, we will study the particular case of Vallès (Barcelona), focusing in the examples of Egara and Caldes de Montbui.
civitas, territory, Hispania, Egara, Caldes de Montbui
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How to Cite
Oller Guzmán, Joan. “The civitas sine urbe: characteristics and examples in Roman Spain of an urban implantation without cities. Egara and Caldes de Montbui”. Pyrenae, vol.VOL 45, no. 1, pp. 89-110,
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