About the neolithisation of the Mesolithic Groups in the East of the Iberian Peninsula: Exclusion as a possibility

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Francisco Javier Jover Maestre
Gabriel García Atiénzar
Although in moments of contact between hunter-gatherer and farming societies different situations may have existed, the neolithisation by direct or indirect acculturation, always from a perspective of integration and governed by progress, has dominated the research spectrum. Detection of problems in various archaeological contexts, together with new evidences, are the arguments used in this paper to present a new hypothesis that, from the conflict theory, analyzes the possible exclusion and self-exclusion of the Mesolithic groups in the process of early Neolithic territorial expansion in the Iberian Peninsula. Without refuting or rejecting other possible scenarios discussed in the research, it is considered that this is a possibility openly undeveloped within the archaeological research that would explain further the archaeological record.
neolithic, exclusion, conflict, stratigraphy, lithic registry, 14C, DNA

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How to Cite
Jover Maestre, Francisco Javier; and García Atiénzar, Gabriel. “About the neolithisation of the Mesolithic Groups in the East of the Iberian Peninsula: Exclusion as a possibility”. Pyrenae, vol.VOL 45, no. 1, pp. 55-88, https://raco.cat/index.php/Pyrenae/article/view/279150.

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