Un anillo de oro con inscripción del Museo Histórico de Baena (Córdoba).
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José Antonio Morena
Isabel Sánchez
On this paper we present a gold ring with inscription unpublished assigned to Christian elites of Late
Antiquity. With unknown archaeological context, but probably corresponds from to some of the
towns located along the river Salsum in Baetica Roman province, an area where the existence of other
textual and archaeological evidence suggests an early acceptance and spread of Christianity. This
piece belongs now to the Historical Museum of Baena.
Antiquity. With unknown archaeological context, but probably corresponds from to some of the
towns located along the river Salsum in Baetica Roman province, an area where the existence of other
textual and archaeological evidence suggests an early acceptance and spread of Christianity. This
piece belongs now to the Historical Museum of Baena.
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How to Cite
Morena, José Antonio; and Sánchez, Isabel. “Un anillo de oro con inscripción del Museo Histórico de Baena (Córdoba)”. Pyrenae, vol.VOL 42, no. 1, pp. 129-42, https://raco.cat/index.php/Pyrenae/article/view/244887.
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