El jaciment epimagdalenià de la balma de la Roureda (Vilafranca, els Ports, País Valencià).

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Dídac Román Monroig
This paper describes the initial data obtained at La Roureda shelter (Vilafranca, Els Ports, Valencian
country). The typological study of the lithic industries and a radiometric dating (11350 ± 70 BP) date
it to the Early Epimagdalenian. Finally, these data are valued in the geographic context (the
Mediterranean side of the Iberian Peninsula), paying especial attention to several aspects, such as
the high occurrence of the truncatures or the increase of the backed bladelets with thick retouch,
which together with other attributes are distinctive of the Early Epimagdalenian.

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How to Cite
Román Monroig, Dídac. “El jaciment epimagdalenià de la balma de la Roureda (Vilafranca, els Ports, País Valencià)”. Pyrenae, vol.VOL 41, no. 2, pp. 7-28, https://raco.cat/index.php/Pyrenae/article/view/219642.

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