Patronazgo y clientela. Honor, guerra y festines en las relaciones sociales de dependencia del Bronce Final atlántico en la Península Ibérica

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Alfredo Mederos
Richard J. Harrison
This essay offers an anthropologically based model for understanding the Atlantic Late Bronze Age phenomenon in the Iberian Peninsula between 1300-800 Be. It proposes that the Atlantic Bronze Age is the expression of a particular social articulation, where lineages were weakly organized into a hierarchy, and where the economic basis comprised extensive stockraising in relatively poor landscapes, with limited investrnent in fixed agriculture.
It is precisely the personal relationships ff honour and loyalty that supersede the previous patterns ofkinship obligation. Therefore, the Atlantic Bronze Age can be seen as a fundamental social re-orientation from previous pattems of organisation and dependency, and not simply a trading network, where competition for honour and material wealth took place among males, and where honour was prized more than kinship.

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How to Cite
Mederos, Alfredo; and Harrison, Richard J. “Patronazgo y clientela. Honor, guerra y festines en las relaciones sociales de dependencia del Bronce Final atlántico en la Península Ibérica”. Pyrenae, no. 27, pp. 31-52,