Aproximación al territorio de la diócesis de Astigi (Écija, Sevilla) en la antigüedad tardía
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José Ignacio Martínez Melón
The study of diocesan’s limits in Late Antiquity is aiming toward showing the structure where the ecclesiastic organization is developed, its connection with the roman administrative arrangement and the influence of this structure both in the territorial system of the Visigothic Kingdom and in the beginning of the Moslem administration in the Peninsula. This work only pretends to be a first approximation to the delimitation of the Astigi diocese (Écija, Sevilla). For this study, the Astigi see has been chosen given its central position in the Baetica province, which allows delimiting part of other adjacent dioceses such as Hispalis, Corduba, Asido, Malaca or Egabrum.
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Martínez Melón, José Ignacio. “Aproximación al territorio de la diócesis de Astigi (Écija, Sevilla) en la antigüedad tardía”. Pyrenae, vol.VOL 39, no. 1, pp. 115-28, https://raco.cat/index.php/Pyrenae/article/view/145198.
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