Nautas baleáricos durante la Prehistoria (parte II). De la iconografía naval a las fuentes históricas
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Víctor M. Guerrero Ayuso
Traditionally, written history has never taken into account nautical aspects of the Balearic Islands’ prehistoric cultures, not even superficially. In this paper (I and II), an analysis will be made of oceanographic conditions characteristic of the Balearic Sea during warm climatic phases and cold periods of the Holocene. A study will also be made of several groups of documental sources that point to the existence of a minimum knowledge of sailing techniques able to facilitate Bronze Age inter-island contact, together with other Iron Age indications. Likewise, certain iconographic documents and several written sources are also examined.
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Guerrero Ayuso, Víctor M. “Nautas baleáricos durante la Prehistoria (parte II). De la iconografía naval a las fuentes históricas”. Pyrenae, no. 37, pp. 7-45,
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