An explicit formula for the second moment of Maass form symmetric square L-functions

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Olga Balkanova
Dmitry Frolenkov

We prove an explicit formula for the second moment of symmetric square L-functions associated to Maass forms for the full modular group. In particular, we show how to express the considered second moment in terms of dual second moments of symmetric square L-functions associated to Maass cusp forms of levels 4, 16, and 64.

Paraules clau
L-functions, Kloosterman sums, Kuznetsov trace formula, regularization

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Com citar
Balkanova, Olga; and Frolenkov, Dmitry. “An explicit formula for the second moment of Maass form symmetric square L-functions”. Publicacions Matemàtiques, vol.VOL 67, no. 2, pp. 611-60,
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