Spectre des Laplaciens de Lichnerowicz sur les sphères et les projectifs réels
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M. Boucetta
In this paper, we compute the spectrum of the Lichnerowicz laplacian on the symmetric forms of degree 2 on the sphere $S^n$ and the real projective space ${\mathbb R} P^n$. This is obtained by generalizing to forms the calculations of the spectrum of the laplacian on fonctions done via restriction of harmonic polynomials on euclidean space.
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Com citar
Boucetta, M. “Spectre des Laplaciens de Lichnerowicz sur les sphères et les projectifs réels”. Publicacions Matemàtiques, vol.VOL 43, no. 2, pp. 451-83, https://raco.cat/index.php/PublicacionsMatematiques/article/view/37967.