Irreducible representations of knot groups into SL(n, C)

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Leila Ben Abdelghani
Michael Heusener
The aim of this article is to study the existence of certain reducible, metabelian representations of knot groups into SL(n, C) which generalize the representations studied previously by G. Burde and G. de Rham. Under specific hypotheses we prove the existence of irreducible deformations of such representations of knot groups into SL(n, C).

Paraules clau:

Knot group, Alexander module, representation variety

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Com citar
Ben Abdelghani, Leila; and Heusener, Michael. “Irreducible representations of knot groups into SL(n, C)”. Publicacions Matemàtiques, vol.VOL 61, no. 2, pp. 363-94,