Packing measures and dimensions on cartesian products
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Ondrej Zindulka
Packing measures Pg(E) and Hewitt-Stromberg measures vg(E) and their relatives are investigated. It is shown, for instance, that for any metric spaces X, Y and any Hausdorff functions f, g vg (X) • Ph (Y) ≤ Pgh (X x Y). The inequality for the corresponding dimensions is established and used for a solution of a problem of Hu and Taylor: If X ⊆ ℝn, then inf {dimpX x Y – dimpY : Y ⊆ ℝn } = lim inf dimB Xn. Corresponding dimension inequalities for products of measures are established.
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Zindulka, Ondrej. “Packing measures and dimensions on cartesian products”. Publicacions Matemàtiques, vol.VOL 57, no. 2, pp. 393-20,