Las infraestructuras viarias de Saguntum en época imperial: propaganda, prestigio social y poder municipal

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Josep Benedito

During the government of Augustus the city of Sagunto was transformed in a place symbol of modernity. It is no coincidence that the necessary developing infrastructures were consolidated around it for an optimal development: higher quality viae or better port platforms. Different type of streets emerged following an order of importance depending many times on the wealth of their users. Towards the exit of the city burial monuments were placed honoring relevant citizens. As many other major towns of Hispania, Saguntum is not an exception of great transformations.

Saguntum, Higth Roman Empire, Roman roads, propaganda, municipal power

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How to Cite
Benedito, Josep. “Las infraestructuras viarias de Saguntum en época imperial: propaganda, prestigio social y poder municipal”. Potestas, no. 8, pp. 9-36,