La ciudad amplificada : la audiovisualización de Azca como mediación de sus contenidos
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Maria Prieto
In 1966, it was prepared the most unique event and with the most extraordinary ambition until then in Spain: the demonstration of Madrid as a 2000 metropolis. The public information of the Azca’s commercial center’s ordination was projected as an exhaustive exhibition in contents, formats and supports. The installation design embodied a fiction that at that time seemed only reachable to the most developed countries: a representative space for modernization. In that display the information techniques of architecture were definitely renovated at the same time that assemblies of spectators and investors were promoted, which paradoxically anticipated the opportunity of the agonistic dialogue between the public and the private.
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Prieto, Maria. “La ciudad amplificada : la audiovisualización de Azca como mediación de sus contenidos”. Perspectivas Urbanas, no. 8,