Cap a una gran base de dades per a l'estudi de l'ètica periodística

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Salvador Alsius i Clavera
Towards an extensive database for the study of media ethics

This article, which discloses details of an extensive database for the study of media
ethics, has been developed within the frame of the research project titled «Ethics and
informative excellence: media deontology and citizens expectations» that has been a
coordinated effort between teams from several universities (Pompeu Fabra University
in Barcelona, Carlos III University in Madrid, the University of the Basque Country and
Seville University). The text is an adapted and updated version of a framework paper
presented by the author at the 6th International Conference on Information Law and
Ethics organised by the COSO Foundation. This presentation was published in Spanish
in the book that compiles all the contributions made at the conference. Moreover, the theoretical framework and the thesaurus on media ethics are from the authors own doctoral

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How to Cite
Alsius i Clavera, Salvador. “Cap a una gran base de dades per a l’estudi de l’ètica periodística”. Periodística: revista acadèmica, no. 13, pp. 27-57,