The Santería in a globalized context: Resignfying Religious Experience in the European framework
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Marta Pons Raga
Universitat de Barcelona
The main goal of this text is to tease out the meaning and role of the Santeria in Barcelona, framed as a religious practice of the European contemporary society. The analysis aims to account for the active role of participants of that religion that create and re-create their religious practices within globalization and secularization hegemonic logics, not only in but precisely in relation to them. Throughout a case study, it is then argued that regardless of the heterogeneity of the Santeria practice, it must be conceived through its relation to European contexts in which New Cultural Imaginaries are increasingly taking prevalence. As a result, Santeria is becoming entangled with a secularized esoterism, redefined here as Neosanteria.
Religious cosmopolitanism, Globalization, Resignification, New Cultural Imaginaries, Secularized esoterism, Neosanteria
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How to Cite
Pons Raga, Marta. “The Santería in a globalized context: Resignfying Religious Experience in the European framework”. Perifèria: revista de recerca i formació en antropologia, vol.VOL 22, no. 1, pp. 4-26,