Review of “Culturas indígenas: investigación, comunicación y resistencias”, by Amparo Huertas i Maria Luna

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Júlia Farràs Marginedas
Júlia Olarieta-Domingo
Rut Mestre Sasal

The book "Culturas indígenas: investigación, comunicación y resistencias (Indigenous culture: investigation, communication and resistances)" forms a multidisciplinary compilation of studies of projects with indigenous people setting out from the three axles referenced in this work's very title. Based on different indigenous cultures, their respective social realities are presented and analyzed and at the same time, investigation methods and ways are discussed, the implemented development methods implanted in these are questioned and the relevance of communication and their means for these people is stressed.

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How to Cite
Farràs Marginedas, Júlia et al. “Review of ‘Culturas indígenas: investigación, comunicación y resistencias’, by Amparo Huertas i Maria Luna”. Perifèria: revista de recerca i formació en antropologia, vol.VOL 25, no. 1, pp. 291-8, doi:10.5565/rev/periferia.762.