Beyond ‘adoption’: the social relevance of informal child circulation

Main Article Content

Jordi Grau Rebollo
Despite its prevalence in academic research, formal adoption is actually a specific sort of child placement. The more general phenomenon of the circulation of children could better help us to explain the centrality of minors in broader social milieus, since so-called ‘informal’ placements do frequently act as productive and reproductive strategies with social cohesion purposes that go far beyond the specificity of the punctual child transfer. These forms of child mobility are commonly found in many cultures, including our own in a not so distant past and may become a crucial social structuring factor.

Paraules clau
Circulation of children, Adoption, Kinship, Informal placements, Crosscultural Research.

Article Details

Com citar
Grau Rebollo, Jordi. “Beyond ‘adoption’: the social relevance of informal child circulation”. Perifèria: revista de recerca i formació en antropologia, vol.VOL 18, no. 1, pp. 4-22,
Biografia de l'autor/a

Jordi Grau Rebollo, Departament d'Antropologia social i cultural

Departamento de Antropología social y cultural (UAB).