La Teología de la Liberación. Interrogantes sobre lo religioso y los procesos de cambio

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María Carballo López
Carmen Salcedo Vereda
The study of changing religious movements, related with the emergence of social movements, faces some pitfalls. Part of them can be explained for the same complexity of the religious fact but also by the continuous use of simplifying categories used for understanding it. In the text we present the conceptual questions that arise using this category with the case-study of the Theology of Liberation and its LatinAmerican development in the 70’.

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Com citar
Carballo López, María; and Salcedo Vereda, Carmen. “La Teología de la Liberación. Interrogantes sobre lo religioso y los procesos de cambio”. Perifèria: revista de recerca i formació en antropologia, no. 8,