Review of “Humanidad. Categoría o condición. Un viaje antropológico”, by Montserrat Ventura, Josep Lluís Mateo and Montserrat Clua

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José Luis Molina

The book "Humanity. Category or condition An anthropological journey” represents a journey on the concepts of humanity and the self based on cases taken from genetics and kinship, ethnohistory and ethnology. Drawing on the concept of Descola's “nature ontologies”, the book illustrates the difficulties of applying a single vision on the nature of human nature and the rich variety of ways of conceiving humanity.

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Com citar
Molina, José Luis. “Review of ‘Humanidad. Categoría o condición. Un viaje antropológico’, by Montserrat Ventura, Josep Lluís Mateo and Montserrat Clua”. Perifèria: revista de recerca i formació en antropologia, vol.VOL 24, no. 2, pp. 192-8,
Biografia de l'autor/a

José Luis Molina, Departament d'Antropologia social i cultural (UAB)

Departamento de Antropología social y cultural (UAB).