The global network of the “schismatic” colony in Menorca (1743-1785)

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Giampaolo Salice
In the eighteenth century, many European States tried to attract skilled foreign colonists to their territories, especially those recently acquired. Greeks were especially wanted, thanks to their well-known commercial and maritime expertise, along with their ability to mediate between the western Mediterranean, northern Europe and the Ottoman Empire. This paper focuses on the Greek colony that settled in British Menorca, paying special attention to the role that this diasporic community played in rendering the Mediterranean island a central point in the globalization process
Greek colonists, British Menorca, Mahon, diaspora, globalization process

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How to Cite
Salice, Giampaolo. “The global network of the ‘schismatic’ colony in Menorca (1743-1785)”. Pedralbes: revista d’història moderna, no. 37, pp. 133-62,