José Nicolás de Azara a Barcelona. Promotor d’edicions literàries durant i entre les seves dues ambaixades a París (1798-1799, 1800-1803)

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Esther García Portugués
Th e stay of José Nicolás de Azara in Barcelona from 11 November 1799 to 6 January 1801 is an virtually unknown period in the biography of this statesman and promoter of the arts. Th ough a very short period, it is signifi cant enough in order to know the last literary promoting activities of this bibliophile. The Torres Amat documents in the Library of Catalonia, the Azara documents in the National Library, and other published sources allow us to get to know Azara’s life of Azara once he had been removed from as Spanish ambassador in Paris on 26 august of 1799. Th us, these documents, mainly letters of the diplomat with his brothers Félix, military engineer and naturalistic scientist, and Eustaquio, bishop of Barcelona, with his friend Bernardo de Iriarte and with his protegés Pedro José Márquez, Silvestre Pérez and other writers; the editions of books linked to the diplomat, and the news that he published in Calaix de sastre provide good evidence on his presence in the Barcelonan literary life and on his contribution in publishing studies on natural history and the history of art
Azara, Barcelona, Turn of the 18th century

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How to Cite
García Portugués, Esther. “José Nicolás de Azara a Barcelona. Promotor d’edicions literàries durant i entre les seves dues ambaixades a París (1798-1799, 1800-1803)”. Pedralbes: revista d’història moderna, no. 30, pp. 283-22,