Los usos del pasado en la corte virreinal de Nápoles (1666-1672)

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Diana Carrió-Invernizzi
This article deals with the political uses of historical writing at the viceregal court of Pedro Antonio de Aragón (1666-1672) in Naples. There are three main issues: the project of reinforcing the government of Mariana de Austria from the reign of Naples and the reconstruction of the recent history of the viceroyalty; the recovery of the memory of king Alfonso of Aragón by political means; and thirdly, the building of a family memory. The Papal decision of sending a governor to rule Naples in 1666 or the French invasion of Brabant in 1667 were important incentives for the viceroys to start reflecting on History in a new way.

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How to Cite
Carrió-Invernizzi, Diana. “Los usos del pasado en la corte virreinal de Nápoles (1666-1672)”. Pedralbes: revista d’història moderna, no. 27, pp. 151-72, https://raco.cat/index.php/Pedralbes/article/view/122946.