La cova des Drac des Rafal des Porcs: exploracions i descobriments de 1997 (Santanyí, Mallorca)
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[eng] The cave is located on the Rafal des Porcs property, in the littoral of Migjorn area of Mallorca, about 450 m from the
coastline and 800 m west of Punta des Bauç. The total development of the cavity is 866 m, resulting from the sum of the
200 m of the Sala Gran, with their access corridor, 529 m of the Galeria del Capellà Cordella and the Galeria de l’Eccehomo
and the 137 m of the Sector Subaquàtic. The lithology where the cave is developed belongs to the various units that have been
described within the Upper Miocene. In that sense, the Reef Unit forms the Sector Subaquàtic and the base of the Sala Gran;
the Santanyí Limestones make up the rest of the Sala Gran and the Galeria del Capellà Cordella. The cave faces the sea, with
an E-SE direction. The cavity has been frequented since prehistoric times as a watering point and perhaps a refuge from at
least the Talayotic period until the Islamic period. The first underwater exploration was carried out in 1997 by members of
the Grup Nord de Mallorca who discovered an important archaeological site under the lake’s waters. 6 dives were carried
out in 1997 for archaeological purposes and 10 more visits to the cave to carry out the topography between 2011 and the
beginning of 2012. The topographic survey has also been done in the Avenc des Coloms, with a 43 m drop, which is located
about 250 m away in an almost northerly direction from the Cova des Drac des Rafal des Porcs
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