Grup Espeleològic EST: 1968-2017. Mig segle d’espeleologia mallorquina (2ª part, 1989-2017)

Main Article Content

Joaquín Ginés
Ángel Ginés

[eng] This work presents thirty years of history of the caving club Grup Espeleològic EST, as a continuation of a previous
publication (GINÉS et al., 1989) that dealt with the first two decades of this Mallorcan team dedicated to speleology and
karst studies. The main speleological activities carried out each year are reviewed, as well as the research and dissemination
work carried out by the cavers who have been active in our group from 1989 to 2017. An important part of these pages
is dedicated to compiling the abundant bibliography generated on these matters by members of our team, also recording
the involvement of the club in the organizational tasks of speleology in the Balearic Islands. All these issues complete half a
century of dedication to the caves and karst of our archipelago, which results are gathered in this paper that is intended to
be a simple contribution to the history of caving in the Balearics.

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Com citar
Ginés, Joaquín; and Ginés, Ángel. “Grup Espeleològic EST: 1968-2017. Mig segle d’espeleologia mallorquina (2ª part, 1989-2017)”. Papers de la Societat Espeleològica Balear, vol.VOL 4, pp. 103-38,