Dinàmica del mercat laboral barceloní
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Narcisa Salvador
The article goes over the most outstanding features of the evolution of labour market in the city of Barcelona, as well as the current situation and the challenges raised in the short and mid term. The analysis is based in the extraordinaryly positive dynamics that this labour market has experimented during last years, what has led it to a new model of action from Local Administration. In this sense, a reflection must be done in order to cope with some aspects like the quality of the employment, or the challenges that the enlargement of EU may imply; and on the other hand, new tools should be carried out for this action, as in the case of the Barcelona City Council is already Porta 22, a new space devoted to the skills required in the future for the labour market.
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How to Cite
Salvador, Narcisa. “Dinàmica del mercat laboral barceloní”. Papers: Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona: Territori, estratègies, planejament, no. 40, pp. 99-107, https://raco.cat/index.php/PapersIERMB/article/view/103930.
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