La Regió de Girona : un model territorial en transformació, amb potencial i fràgil
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Joan Vicente
During the most recent years the Regió de Girona has clearly transformed its territorial model, superimposing an emerging clearly hierarchic structure to a polycentric one. This way, Girona and its urban area has gained a diversified centrality. This transformation, though, needs a clearly defined project that, adapted to the current dynamism, makes explicit and supports or corrects the resultant territorial model in order to avoid infrastructural shortages, territorial imbalances, resource wasting and negative impact on the environment.
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How to Cite
Vicente, Joan. “La Regió de Girona : un model territorial en transformació, amb potencial i fràgil”. Papers: Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona: Territori, estratègies, planejament, no. 39, pp. 61-72,