Les propostes per al transport públic de viatgers : el Pla Director d'Infraestructures de Transport Públic Col·lectiu 2001-2010 (PDI)
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Jordi Prat
The “Pla Director d’Infrastructures 2001-2010”, as an instrument for the planning and programming of the public transport infrastructures in the metropolitan region of Barcelona, focuses its actions in the improvement of the railway network, either from the ampliation of the current network in the centre and the periphery of the region, or from the promotion of intermodality among the different current lines and among these and the rest of public and private transport means. In this sense, and after overcoming the required process of institutional concertation, and after seeing itself conditioned by the lack of a regional planning framework, the success of PDI depends now on its capacity to co-ordinate with the rest of elements that are part of the mobility, and to get the financial resources to make it effective.
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How to Cite
Prat, Jordi. “Les propostes per al transport públic de viatgers : el Pla Director d’Infraestructures de Transport Públic Col·lectiu 2001-2010 (PDI)”. Papers: Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona: Territori, estratègies, planejament, no. 38, pp. 87-97, https://raco.cat/index.php/PapersIERMB/article/view/103915.
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