Xarxa viària a la regió metropolitana de Barcelona. Un balanç
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Manel Larrosa
The problems of saturation of the basic road network of the metropolitan region of Barcelona are not caused by the insufficient capacity of this, but by its deficiencies in the articulation with the secondary network. Factors like the historic evolution of the network, the diversity of Administrations responsible for some areas, the existence of elements of distortion (motorway tolls, lack of investment) have brought to this situation. In view of the nature of the problem, the current trend, of creation of new basic network, has to be inverted to favour a better articulation of the distribution network, towards a model able to give an answer to the changing infrastructure necessities, taking into account the physical limitations of the territory, and also capable to successivelly adapt to the infrastructural existing elements, instead of tending to continously superimpose one over another.
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How to Cite
Larrosa, Manel. “Xarxa viària a la regió metropolitana de Barcelona. Un balanç”. Papers: Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona: Territori, estratègies, planejament, no. 38, pp. 63-85, https://raco.cat/index.php/PapersIERMB/article/view/103914.
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