Indicadors per un pla integral a Collblanc i la Torrassa

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Àngela García
In the frame of the necessary urban renovation projects for the improvement of the urban and social structure of the “border areas”, the studies about the reality and conditions of these territories become a key tool for the implementation of strategies and policies. In this sense, the identification of the main territorial, urban, demographic and social features of the Collblanc and la Torrassa area (in l’Hospitalet de Llobregat), that will have to be a starting point for the elaboration of a future Pla Integral d’Actuació for these area, constitutes a valuable example of these kind of practices. The article presents a synthesis of the analysis carried out and its most relevant conclusions.

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How to Cite
García, Àngela. “Indicadors per un pla integral a Collblanc i la Torrassa”. Papers: Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona: Territori, estratègies, planejament, no. 33, pp. 49-64,