La renovació urbana a l'Hospitalet

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Antoni Nogués
Javier Ferrándiz
Jordi Ferrer
L’Hospitalet de Llobregat has started an important urban renovation project, framed in the figure of the Pla l’Hospitalet 2010 (Pla L’H 2010), that comes from a profound reflection about its urban, economic and social conditions and its territorial context. The Plan is not intended to be neither a formal document nor a town planning figure in a normative sense, but an outline of methods, concepts and guidelines to achieve the aimed changes for the city, that already counts on its own development tools: the Agència de Desenvolupament Urbà (ADU) and L’H 2010 Societat Privada Municipal, S.A, every of which fulfill specific functions in the global change strategy, in a manner that, while ADU should manage and elaborate the most appropriate planning instruments to achieve the priority objectives, L’H 2010 S.A. should carry out the the needed urban actions (acquisition of plots and buildings, execution of works, etc.) to achieve these same objectives.

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How to Cite
Nogués, Antoni et al. “La renovació urbana a l’Hospitalet”. Papers: Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona: Territori, estratègies, planejament, no. 33, pp. 35-47,