La renovació urbana als barris fronterers : unes reflexions sobre l'estratègia econòmica i financera i de gestió
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Emili Mas
Planning, analysis and constant monitoring are key processes in any urban construction or regeneration action, and aspects like town planning management, negotiation, the support of the actions with activity dynamization measures, or the forms to patrimonize the benefits obtained may be determinant for the success of this big urban operations. In this sense, the article presents, from a basically pragmatic point of view, a range of basic parameters for the economic and financial structuration of urban renovation projects, as well as for the delimitation of a correct management model for these actions, among which are the formalization of the proposals, the evaluation of costs (expropriations, compensations, urbanization and facilities implementation projects, financial costs, etc.), the settling and management of financing (public-private funds balance, market actions share and destination of benefits obtained, etc.), the risk covering and limitation (of cost deviation, of project social acceptance, etc.) and the project whole management.
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How to Cite
Mas, Emili. “La renovació urbana als barris fronterers : unes reflexions sobre l’estratègia econòmica i financera i de gestió”. Papers: Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona: Territori, estratègies, planejament, no. 33, pp. 25-33,